Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Southern Charm: The Monogrammed Plate

By now you all know how much I LOVE a good monogram especially when it is done in a unique way. During my time in South Carolina last week, I was completely mesmerized by all the wonderful knickknacks that were embellished with a monogram. It must be a southern thing. I know I previously posted about monogrammed china, but I am way too obsessed with these pieces to not share them with you.

The two images above were taken outside Postcard from Paris, a beautiful interior design store in the West End of Greenville. The store was closed and therefore, I have no idea who made these beautiful dishes. The monograms are FANTASTIC and the plates and platters have a really pleasing handmade quality. Does anyone out their know who makes these??? 

This plate is made by Skyros and I spotted it at Foxfire, one of my favorite kitchen stores in the whole world! I hadn't seen the monogram option for Skyros before, but I have always admired their stoneware. The monogram is a nice touch to already beautiful dishes. I just wish I could think of a reason to get one???

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