Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Inspiration: Yukari Umekawa

The weather today is stunning. The stereotypical, Chicago fall day: sunny, cool and just windy enough. However, I struggled all day with a slight creative block. Don't get me wrong – I actually got some good work done on an illustration project, but starting any new projects seemed out of the picture. I even struggled to come up with a good post idea, when on most days I have way to many and have to pare down. So, I did what I do when I am uninspired...

I surfed the internet for any inspiration: good things to read, interesting things to do, new artists at my favorite galleries, etc. After checking my regular blogs, I decided to devote today's search to things in Atlanta. Maybe I am feeling a bit nostalgic for my old home?

When I got to the website for Whitespace, a contemporary gallery in Inman Park, I was overwhelmed by the image of Yukari Umekawa's photo on their homepage. Umekawa's work is breathtaking, and really captures thr haziness of my mood today. She converted her digital camera to a pinhole while she visited her hometown in Japan. Each photograph becomes an abstraction from reality. They look like paintings from a dream world covered in fog.

I don't want to say anymore. I want the photos to speak.

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