Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dexter Posters Available!!!

I received an email earlier today from Ty Mattson, principle at Mattson Creative and Dexter fan, to let me know that his limited-edition Dexter screen prints are now available for sale at Showtime's website.

Earlier this week, I posted on Ty's blog to let him know how beautiful this poster series is. He responded quickly with a "thanks" and then followed up today with more information on the posters. I have to admit, it made me feel special... I love how quickly the blogosphere can connect you!

Dexter is one of my favorite televisions shows – it's a dark, mysterious, roller coaster ride of a show combined with witty, smart writing and lovable characters who you aren't sure you should love. Mattson's illustrations accurately portray the twists and turns of each seasons without giving everything away. The Valentine-esque color palette of red, pink and white (which I am not normally drawn to in the slightest) don't feel "lovey" at all because of sophisticated placement, serious content and the necessary Miami flare. To top it all off, the striking, minimal palette is screen printed on black paper. I want to see the final product.

The modern nod to Saul Bass is also seriously appreciated. It is a innovative and fresh take on the film design master.

So, my birthday is right around the corner, and I think I want one. I just have to decide which poster I like best... Season 2 or 4? Honestly, Season 2 was my least favorite to watch, but the poster is stunning. Should I splurge? (I think I need larger walls to hang all the art/prints that I want.)


  1. LOVE DEXTER!!! I agree Season 2 (aka Lila) was the worst. Which one do you like best?!?
