Monday, November 12, 2012

The Stars at Night...

...are big and bright. Deep in the Heart of Texas!

I have been in Texas for the last few days and it has made me a little nostalgic for home. Over the weekend, I visited my brother in San Marcos and then attended a wedding for Reid's cousin in Austin. It was a jam-packed weekend filled with good food and lots of quality family time.

In honor of my "Heart of Texas" trip, I thought I would share a few pieces of Texas typography today. I hope you enjoy!

This piece is my absolute favorite. It was done by GSD&M for a Texas tourism campaign. 
If you are from Texas (like me) it is pretty awesome.  

I adore the hand lettering in the above stationery set from etsy.

The type on this one is in stark contrast to the others, but I like the simplicity and modernity.

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