Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Week Full of Good Friends...

I have been in Atlanta (with a small trek to Birmingham) since Saturday to visit friends and celebrate their upcoming babies, their birthdays and the fact that I just plain miss them. This week has been a whirlwind of activity (and work during the day), but it has been incredibly rejuvenating to laugh out loud (mostly about how silly we were when we were younger), to talk about everything good, bad and secret, and to eat way to much good food and sugar with my closest friends in the world. Since I live so far away, I sometimes forget how vital my friends are to my life. After this week, I vow to do a better job of staying in touch with my friends that live far away and to continue to build long-lasting friendships close to home.

Now off to another HUGE meal with a friend. Aghhh... this is the life :)
a perfect quote and fun typography. Found here

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