Friday, December 2, 2011

Exciting Announcement – I am part of the Handmade Home's Week of Giving!!!

Next week is going to be super awesome. And it is not just because it is one week closer to the holidays.

Next week starts the Handmade Home's (an incredibly awesome and laugh-out-loud blog written by a good college friend) first ever Week of Giving. And, I was asked to be a part of it which made me giddy beyond belief. It is such an honor to be a part of such an amazing online event.

Chena Design is giving away a free custom monogram with 25 flat note cards. So, if a custom monogram has been on your wish list visit Ashley's blog next week to enter the give-a-way. 

There are going to be a ton of other awesome give-a-ways also so you should check it out!

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