Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Designs: The Creative Exchange & Becky Ellsworth Photography

I am so excited to share these two new projects! Partially because they are showcasing a new web/blog design section in my portfolio. In all honesty, I know how to code a website through basic html and css, but I completely don't LOVE it (hate might be too strong of a word, but not by much). Luckily, Tony from Evenpar Solutions contacted me awhile back about collaborating with his amazing programming skills. In my opinion, it is a perfect match. I can now design fun, creative and beautiful websites and then hand it off to an incredibly talented "web guy". We both get to do what we love!

Tony has given me the opportunity to design a bunch of great blogs recently like The Creativity Exchange, seen below. Not only do I get to design the look and feel of the site, I am also learning a lot and finding TONS of new creative blogs to follow. Cyndy came to Tony with a great inspiration board of colors and textures. The design just clicked, and I am thrilled at the outcome. You should check out the entire site here.

My new collaboration with Tony is also working the other way around. Becky Ellsworth, a childhood friend, asked me to help her rebrand her photography business which included a completely new and revamped website design. (Guess who did all the programming???)

Becky Ellsworth Photography's new site is simple and elegant with a pop of bright color to keep it fresh. I must admit, I LOVE this site and everything we were able to do with it. Not to mention Becky's photographs are incredible.

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