Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Inspiration Overload: Terrain

Just a few minutes ago, I was checking my email and decided to open my daily email from Terrain. Even though I LOVE that store, I normally delete their emails without ever reading them. I guess the words Design*Sponge and party caught my eye... I mean you mix my first blog love with a party hosted by Terrain and I am INTERSTED!

Sadly, I will not be able to attend the party since it is is Pennsylvania and it is Reid's birthday, but I am very happy I actually opened this email. Look at the BEAUTIFUL typography that welcomed me. I am in inspiration heaven. The simple yet intricate details and the placement over such a luscious image make me swoon.

Of course the designer/advertiser did a great job in getting me to the site. I was so hooked with the type that I crossed my fingers I would find more on Terrain. Alas, there was no more type, but now I am drooling over this lighting fixture. Oh Boy...

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