Thursday, July 28, 2011

Oh Canada!

The bar exam is OVER and today we head to Montreal for a little weekend get-a-way with Reid's family. I am super excited about this little adventure. I have never been to our neighboring Canada and am thrilled to explore a tiny portion of the beautiful and friendly country.

In order to jump-start the trip (did I mention I haven't packed yet and we leave in 1.5 hours), I wanted to share a couple of beautifully designed Canadian posters.

The moose on this 1950's poster by William F. Schey and Harry Rogers is a stunning combination of shape and color. The Australian airline did a great and quite extensive series of travel posters which you can see here.

Above is the Formula 1 poster for the Canadian Grand Prix this year. The movement and simple color mixed with the natural paper quality are incredible. I absolutely love when clients choose simple, visually strong design. All of the posters for the 2011 Formula 1 season are pretty incredible.

I am going to try to post tomorrow, but if you don't hear from me I will be back next week.

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