Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Fourth: Celebrating America!

I am on a bit of a travel poster kick right now. My current craving for a vacation is a little insane. There are a couple of trips planned in my near future, but I wish that time would travel a little faster. The beautiful posters below were created around 1937 for the WPA to promote American tourism. They have always been some of my favorites – the top one with the horse actually started my obsession of Montana which I still need to visit. The beautiful colors and simple shapes are almost as stunning as the actual American landscapes. There is so much out there to see. What are your favorite American destinations? Some of mine include Maine, Sedona, and Santa Fe.

Happy Long Weekend! July Fourth always makes me happy – maybe it is the friends, the bbq, the fireworks, or it may just be that I am proud to be American. We aren't perfect by any means, but this is my home and I am proud of it. 

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