Monday, June 20, 2011

Time Flies...

When you are married to your best friend.

Sorry for the bit of cheese in the title, but it's truly how I feel! Yesterday marked our 1 year anniversary. It is hard to believe that a year ago we go married in the humidity and heat of the Georgia mountains. The first year of marriage has had a lot of ups, very few downs and a LOT of learning experiences. All in all, I am still the happiest girl in the world...

Especially since Reid surprised me with a trip to Graham Elliot last night for dinner. I have been wanting to go there for a very long time and was completely shocked when he pulled up to the door. We even got a tour of the kitchen. Reid knows that one of the keys to my heart is through good food and great ambiance.

I cannot wait to see what this year brings for us.

(oh and sorry for not posting for the past few days - our Internet has been in and out. It is finally fixed and I have a lot to share this week)

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