Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Busy Day Indeed & Molly's Monogram Process

I have been so swamped in the studio lately that Agador has adopted my printer as his new nap pad during the day. I guess it is the only way he feels like he can spend quality time with me. I must admit, it is really nice to have company, even of the feline variety, as I tediously design-away on my computer.

In other exciting news, I have been spending a lot of my time working on a bunch of new monograms. I finished one yesterday for my good friend Molly. She was looking for something whimsical and feminine with a bit of attitude. She is so excited about the end result, and I am equally as thrilled. Below are the pencil sketches to show the full process. I am going to keep the final version a secret for now because Molly is planning to use the monogram in beautiful stationery.

This monogram was a bit too formal for Molly. Although she like it, she wanted her monogram to express her sweet, professional and spunky personality. 

This one was a bit too elegant, but on the right track. In our conversations, Molly kept mentioning the curls on the end. So, we ended up keeping those :)

Maybe this sketch was too informal and too playful??? We both nixed this one pretty quickly, but liked the bubbly attitude it had.   

In the end we merged a little bit of 2 and a little bit of 3 to create the above final pencil sketch. I love the outcome, but what makes me really ecstatic is how much Molly seems to like it. The digital version is just a cleaned up version of this. 

Hope you enjoy!

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