Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wrapped in Web!!!

My deepest apologies for being incredibly MIA lately. I needed to spend some time catching up with all sorts of design projects. Plus, I have been neck-deep in the final stages of my website redesign. It is REALLY almost done. Well, in all honesty, it is done. I am just tweaking one minor, last minute technical thing – I found out today that I need an updated server. Oops...

Web design ruled my world today and, honestly, I have a HUGE headache from it all. The technical side of stuff is not my forte. Instead I like to focus on the beautiful details of things. Take for example the above images of hand-crocheted spider webs from alovelything. Aren't they gorgeous?  I wish I knew the artist, and I wish I could see these in person. In my eyes, these webs are much more beautiful than all the code I looked at today.

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