Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pigeons, Illustration and the Moving Image

This past Sunday while Reid was reading the NYT Magazine, I caught a brief glimpse of a striking information graphic where illustrated birds were used to represent famous tweeters and their influence. As soon as Reid put the magazine down, I ran over to investigate. The graphic was done by the famous and incredibly talented La Tigre, from Italy. If you aren't familiar with his work you should be. His designs are always beautiful and almost always embody a touch of playfulness.
La Tigre via NYT

As I was exploring his site, I noticed his new self promotional video (seen below or here). I have such a soft spot for pigeons. But even if you hate the dirty, little pests the video is very worth watching. Hope you enjoy!

Tales From The Basement from LA TIGRE on Vimeo.

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