Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Paper Snowflakes to Brighten the Day

I can pretty much say with certainty that Chicago is going to get hit with a lot of snow over the next day. About an hour ago, the wind started blowing and as of right now, snow is EVERYWHERE! I can't even see the lake which is practically right outside my window. It is very exciting, but I am really grateful that I work from home on days like this.

In order to stay in a festive snow mode, I thought I would share some beautiful paper snowflakes. Normally this is more of a holiday decorating idea, but it just seems fitting today.

The minimalist placement of these snowflakes (found here) on the dark purple wall is beautiful.

I like the bright color here. How about Orange has a tutorial on how to make them.

This snowflake inspired lamp is to die for. I found it last year on Design*Sponge.

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