Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's Great to be an AUBURN TIGER!!!

WAR EAGLE!!!!!!!

If you haven't heard by now, last night we (the Auburn Tigers) were named the 2011 NCAA National Football Champs. My excitement is overflowing from the win against Oregon. It was a great game and a battle to the end. I am completely inspired by the love, determination, and dedication of the Auburn team, the coaching staff, and, of course, the amazing fans!

We had some of our Chicago friends over to watch the game. They all came in their orange and blue, and cheered along side me. It was a fantastic night all around. Auburn holds a very special place in my heart. It is a truly unique place that I am proud to call my alma matter. I will cherish the memories from last night and being able to share them with good friends forever.

Toomer's Corner, a HUGE Auburn tradition, after last nights game.

Nick Fairley with the championship trophy. Photo by Todd Van Emst.

*all photos via Auburn University website and Auburn's flickr page

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