Thursday, January 13, 2011

Introducing the New Chena Design Logotype...

I have been working for months on my new logotype, identity and webpage. It is slightly embarrassing when I think about how long it took me to actually decide on a visual representation for my brand. Branding and identity design is one of my favorite areas, and I can design successful logos for other clients in a design-flash. But when it came time to redesign my personal identity, I did circles for a very long time. And in true graphic design fashion, in the end I decided to go with my very first idea. So, without further ado, I am introducing the logotype for Chena Design, my freelance name and website...

The logo is based off of my signature. Through both color and lettering, I wanted it to feel fresh, personable and modern with a hint of tradition. Since it is based off of my handwritten signature, I didn't want it to be too typographically perfect but still wanted it to showcase my ability to hand-letter. Finally, the Chena logo attempts to be feminine, since my new main focus is stationery and wedding design, but not overly so to keep with my background of branding and illustration.

In the next month, I will be letterpressing my business cards and completely revamping my website (which is currently very outdated). I can't wait to show all of you the end result.

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