Friday, January 28, 2011

Business Cards are In!!!

It's official, the rebranding of my freelance company is really happening, and happening pretty quickly!

I picked up my new professional business cards yesterday from Gary at Letterpress Chicago. They turned out exactly how I envisioned them – the bold red/orange color is perfect and the quality of letterpress is superb! Thanks to Gary (and his crew) for such speedy turn-around and spectacular quality.

For any of my readers that have started your own company, I have a whole new level of admiration and respect for you after going through the process. At times it is a little overwhelming figuring out all the business details, especially since I don't consider myself to be super business savvy. However, all the little things are really starting to come together, and I have started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The business card helps since I now have something tactile to show for all the work that I have put into this new endeavor.

Next up, the website. Stay tuned...

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