Friday, December 3, 2010

Blog Sharing Time: Wild Ink Press

I have decided it is time to share the Wild Ink Press Blog with all of you. I have been reading it pretty regularly for the past couple of months and am always impressed. I must admit that Rebekah Tennis leads the life that I dream about: she lives on an old and beautiful farm, she has an adorable family, and, the best part, she works in her very own letterpress studio. The designs of Wild Ink have a simple elegance that many of us strive for.

All in all, her blog and her design website are worth checking out. Think of it as a good weekend link.

Plus, she will be featured on the Nate Berkus Show next week. I may need to start DVRing the show since two of my favorite bloggers, Rebekah (above) and Grace Bonney from D*S, will be on next week.

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