Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Major Feat of Strength

On Saturday, Reid woke up bright and early to run in the Men's Health Urbanathlon, a nine mile, six obstacle race along the Chicago lakefront. The obstacles included such feats of strength as running the stairs at Soldier Field, doing a set of monkey bars and jumping through tires at Navy Pier. This is a perfect Saturday for Reid and not my cup-of-tea at all. However, I always love cheering him on and decided to meet him (along with a few of our friends) at the final obstacle of rolling over taxi cabs, climbing over a CTA bus, and finishing with hurling yourself over a wall. Watching the 10,000 runners (both men and women) complete this obstacle after running 9 miles was mind boggling and inspirational at the same time. Reid finished strong and enjoyed every second of it.

How am I inspired, you ask? First, I really like the photo, taken with my Hipstamatic iPhone App, shown above. The colors and composition are high energy, and accurately portray the event. Second, watching the event made me agree to run the Turkey Trot (or another Chicago race) with Reid on Thanksgiving?!?! If that is not inspiring, I don't know what is. What have I gotten myself into???

After the race, Reid and Oren (another friend that ran) plus the cheering section came over to our place for Saturday brunch and mimosas. For the rest of the day, we watched football (WAR EAGLE!) and Bram Stoker's Dracula, and took a nap in between.

It was pretty close to a perfect Saturday.

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